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McGuire Certificate in Entrepreneurship and New Venture Development


A Certificate in Entrepreneurship and New Venture Development is available to undergraduate students in any field of study from colleges outside of Eller.


University of Arizona students are encouraged to participate in the McGuire New Venture Development Program (NVD) during their senior year. Students should apply their junior year to participate in their senior year. 


The NVD Program can be integrated with degrees in any field of study, and students from across the University are encouraged to apply for the intensive, yearlong experience of building an innovation from early-stage idea to sustainable launch-ready venture. 


Undergraduate students admitted into the McGuire NVD Program from colleges outside of Eller have the option to receive a Certificate in Entrepreneurship and New Venture Development on their transcript for completing both ENTR 487 and ENTR 484 and either MKTG 480 or FIN 480.


Studying entrepreneurship is an investment in future success. The McGuire Program's interdisciplinary curriculum is designed to enhance any major and help students achieve their personal goals. Upon completing the program, students are prepared to apply principles of innovation to any career path.



The Certificate in Entrepreneurship and New Venture Development courses are:


Fall Semester


  • ENTR 487: New Venture Development and Industry Analysis (Venture Development I)

  • MKTG 480: Marketing Research for Entrepreneurs

  • FIN 480: Finance for New Ventures 

Spring Semester


  • ENTR 484: Development of New Venture Plans (Venture Development II)


Honors students from colleges other than Eller may take ENTR 420L and ENTR 520L for eight Honors credits. Optionally, they may also take FIN 480 and MKTG 480 for up to seven more Honors credits (15 credits total). Honors students from colleges other than Eller may not complete their honors thesis through the McGuire program—theses may only be completed through your major or minor area of study. If you have additional questions, please contact your Honors advisor. 

Get Involved

Talk to your advisor about a Certificate in Entrepreneurship and New Venture Development today!

To learn more about McGuire Center for Entrepreneurship offerings, please contact
Elise Romero, Assistant Director, Academic Advising for Undergraduate Programs. 

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